sim2grow Simulation Solutions

Looking for Grant Assistance for Your Nursing Program?

Written by Kateri Gabriele | Oct 12

Every penny counts in the current economy. Are you looking for ways to be fiscally responsible while advancing your nursing simulation program in adopting barcode medication administration (BCMA)? We are here to provide support.

First, we have a free completed generic grant proposal template for you to use in writing for your next grant. Simply cut and paste into the format of whatever grant Request For Proposal (RFP) that you may have.


Many nursing programs may qualify for the CARES Act funding and further details about that can be found at CARES Act.

Our blog post on avoiding buyer's remorse will be helpful in your grant journey.  Read the steps to follow whether you are new to simulation or are well versed!

Lastly, sim2grow is remarkably affordable. The reasonable price has allowed for many programs to purchase multiple nursing simulation systems for less than the price of one hospital-based automated dispensing unit! Click here if you are interested in a 44 second video overview of our complete med room to bedside medication administration training solution.  When you are ready, here's the link to schedule a virtual demo.

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