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I Need a Grant for a Medication Administration Training Simulation!!

January 24, 2023

By Kateri Gabriele

jar filled with grant moneyDoes this sound familiar?

Your program purchased medication administration equipment a few years back and now that the whole team can finally use the system, it’s antiquated with no update in sight. Who even knew Windows 7 was still a thing?!?  


You have “hand-me down” equipment from a local healthcare facility and it didn’t take you long to realize why they were so anxious to make a “donation”.

You know how important it is to teach safe medication administration in your program. Patient lives are at stake if nurses don’t get this skill right. 

But…the economy is tight and the program budget is even tighter. It’s time to seriously consider grant funding to help teach the nurses in your program about safe medication administration.

Are you overwhelmed at the prospect of writing a grant proposal?

Where do you start? 

How do you find out what grants are available? 

Even if you find a foundation accepting applications, do you have time to complete the grant process?

We’re here to help you get the medication administration training solution that your students can use year after year in your nursing skills and sim lab. 

Steps to Finding Funding for Medication Administration Training

Step 1: Find Foundations

There are a few ways to find foundations interested in granting money for the education of nursing students…we’ll go from most time consuming to least!

  • Google Search. Many foundations can’t be found with a simple google search. The smaller ones may not have a website at all! It can seem a bit like a “needle in the haystack” search.  
  • Foundation Databases. There are several paid foundation databases available. You can quickly search for foundations that are a match to your geographic location in addition to specifics about your student population.  Fortunately, many public libraries subscribe to these databases, so you can access them for free by going down to your physical library (this isn’t typically an online option). Check your college or university library, as you may have access there too!
  • Institutional Foundation Department.  Many colleges, universities and hospitals have a dedicated foundation department with employees skilled at grant searches. They apply for many of the larger grants for your institution.  Let them know what you are seeking funding for and see if they will find foundations for you or at least give you a hand.  They may even help write the application!

Step 2: Apply for Grants

Once you find a few potential matches, it's time to write the grant proposals.  Thoroughly read the application requirements and follow them precisely.  Make sure to submit prior to the deadline.  The easiest way for foundations to eliminate applicants is by removing those who didn’t follow the rules!

The team at sim2grow has created a grant template for medication administration training. Simply cut and paste the sections into your specific grant application.  

Have a colleague double check that you have completed all the required steps and send it off! 

Step 3: Teach Nurses to Pass Meds Safely with Sim2Grow!!!

Once you receive word that you have been approved for grant funding, make sure to complete any post-award follow-up documentation required by the foundation.  Keep up good relations with the foundation.  Many times, it is easier to request additional funding from a foundation down the road when you prove you were a gracious recipient the first time around.  Sending a few pictures of busy student nurses practicing their med passes and some data about skill improvement will make the foundation realize your “cause” was a great one and the money was well spent.

Download the grant template
